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Work Injury Rehabilitation

Injuries at work can occur suddenly, such as a slip or fall, or slowly over time with repetitive strain on an area of the body.  If you are injured at work, make a claim through your employer, and the Workers Compensation Board will cover your initial assessment fee then decide if you are approved for further treatment. Be sure to make a claim through your employer within 5 days of becoming aware of your workplace injury. Workplace injuries are a common problem. We offer treatments that provide workplace injury rehabilitation.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Auto accidents are all too common, and untreated injuries can leave you with a lifetime of pain.  An auto accident can be a traumatic event for the body.  Sometimes symptoms don't show up until several days after an accident but it is important to get a medical evaluation and treatment to prevent chronic pain and further complications.  Acupuncture and massage are incredibly effective to reduce pain, improve function and prevent injuries from becoming chronic pain.  In Oregon, all auto insurance companies must cover treatment from auto injuries.  File a claim with your auto insurance company and your treatment should be covered.